Kinectic Arousal System

Short brief

This was a reasearch that I’ve started with Felipe Navarro and Marte Roel that was to detect and recognize arousals behaviours for dancer performances and transform them into music, dance performance or other pourposes

The Kinetic Arousal System (KAS) was designed to be used by dancers or experimental users. It has a purposes for research and experimentation. It’s a software that allows to track skeleton movements and transform them into a sound expression.

A System of Contributive Interaction Presence and agency within a musical context. Designed to works as a real-time generated live performance. The user itself is the logical interface in terms of Interaction Models.

KAS was built around psychology’s concept of arousal and uses measures of it as input for the generative algorithms; such input is taken partly from a traditional perspective of arousal, and partly from one proposed by the authors. The KAS allows for measurement of the user’s and the system’s arousal in order to have insight on the impact of the generated material on the user’s psychological state. Results from the prototype experiments show that the best agency of the user on the system is achieved when all possible levels of arousal are explored with movement.

  1. OpenFrameWorks: ( OF/bin/openNISample007Debug )
  2. Pure data: ( ArouSynth.pd )
  3. Ableton: (KAS_abletonset9.als)


  • Marte Roel
  • Felipe Navarro
  • Carles Gutiérrez


  • María Ferrer
  • Laila Tafur

Computer Vision

KAS is using Kinect Openni system to detect and track skeleton bodies (OF project with ofxOpenni addon. There is a Gui to configure the tracking and reproduce captured kinect data.

KAS allows to generate a sound landscape in real-time by the motion of the body.

+ info
or email me

####Sound description: Sound was developed by Marte Roel and Felipe Navarro.

Music desing: Tempo + Harmony & Melody + Rythm + Dynamics